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Found 19 product(s) for WENDELLE STEVENS (1-19 of 19)

Col. Wendelle Stevens Presents Photo Encounters With UFOs DVD Presentation Col. Wendelle Stevens Presents Photo Encounters With UFOs DVD Presentation
Wendelle Stevens, a retired Air Force Colonel, author, and world renowned UFO researcher, opens his extensive photographic archives to reveal rare and never seen before photos of UFOs.
PRICE: $20.00

Hesemann, Shell, Marston, Birdsall, Uhouse & Stevens Presents Alien Autopsy [3 Disc Set] Hesemann, Shell, Marston, Birdsall, Uhouse & Stevens Presents Alien Autopsy [3 Disc Set]
It was the smoking gun. Perhaps the Holy Grail of UFO lore. The proof! It was grainy black and white 16mm film footage showing mysterious doctors conducting an autopsy on an extraterrestrial. But, was it real? Experts examine the evidence. Look, listen and then decide.
PRICE: $40.00

Methusalem Meier, Michael Hesemann, Wendelle Stevens, Phobol Cheng Presents The Reopening Of The Billy Meier Case [3 Disc Set] Methusalem Meier, Michael Hesemann, Wendelle Stevens, Phobol Cheng Presents The Reopening Of The Billy Meier Case [3 Disc Set]
Michael Hesemann presents NEVER-BEFORE SHOWN FOOTAGE & PHOTOS, plus new metal samples, & video taped testimonies of 20 eyewitnesses.
PRICE: $40.00

Randy Winters & Wendelle Stevens Presents Pleiadian Contact DVD Presentation Randy Winters & Wendelle Stevens Presents Pleiadian Contact DVD Presentation
Contact has been made! Longtime researcher Wendelle Stevens details more personal experiences with famous Swiss Contactee Billy Meier, including never before revealed attempts on Meier’s life. Randy Winters examines another case of Pleiadian contact. This time the contactee is Adrian, a young man from Florida whose incredible story is told for the first time.
PRICE: $20.00

Stevens, Hesemann & Winters Presents The Meier Years - A Retrospective DVD Presentation Stevens, Hesemann & Winters Presents The Meier Years - A Retrospective DVD Presentation
Best know for his amazingly detailed and controversial UFO photographs, Meier has had ET experiences almost all of his life.
PRICE: $20.00

Ted Loman and Wendelle Stevens Present The Recovery of a Crashed Saucer DVD Presentation Ted Loman and Wendelle Stevens Present The Recovery of a Crashed Saucer DVD Presentation
Ted Loman and Wendelle will share with the Congress an important event, of a kind that happens periodically at our convention. Namely, that every now and then delegates come here specifically to share some new secret knowledge with us. An attendee, a former Navy Seal at the congress told us that he had actually participated physically in the recovery of a crashed saucer in 1980. We took him aside for several interviews and promised not to release anything until after his death. Ted videotaped all of the interviews with him and the time has now arrived to make his information public for the first time at this Congress!
PRICE: $20.00

Unable to possess any of this information for himself, Stevens, upon return, began his own research and collection effort, eventually amassing the largest private collection of UFO photographs in the world. He began to publish reports on the events, and wrote many illustrated articles for many UFO publications. Disenchanted with the dearth of detail on contact events reported in books and journals of the time, he began preparing detailed reports of his own investigations. He has published more than 22 books. He continues his investigations at his own expense, still seeking the elusive answers to the many questions raised by this phenomenon. Wendelle has been a Director of the International UFO Congress since its inception. Wendelle will present 100 of the best photographs of unidentified flying objects from around the world.
PRICE: $20.00

Wendelle will present the case of Andreas Wiesengrun from E. Germany, who was voluntarily taken aboard an Alien ET ship and to a big laboratory craft where he underwent 3 days of intense indoctrination. The six ET species aboard took turns showing him the origin of Earth, humanity, who lived 70 million years ago, then contemporary with the later dinosaurs, and how we were genetically upgraded to where we are now, still infants in evolution. They showed him where we are going, when we finally mature enough to leave the nest, our planet, and join the sea of humanity freely living forever in space itself. Wendelle is joined by Andreas for the Question & Answer session.
PRICE: $20.00

Wendelle Stevens Presents 'UFO CONTACT FROM  KORENDOR' DVD Wendelle Stevens Presents 'UFO CONTACT FROM KORENDOR' DVD
The Korendians made contact with Bob Renaud in July 1961 as he was trying to pick up BBC Radio on his short wave set.  Robert P. Renaud, an 18 year old Ham Radio Operator, electronics wizard and inventor, living in his parents home, in his basement bedroom converted to his studio-laboratory, picked up a strange beep high in the 25 meter band that overshadowed BBC.  When he tuned in on the beep, it stopped and a clear soft feminine voice greeted him from a spaceship from Planet Korendor.  She called him by his first name and said that they had been trying to get his attention before.  The Korendians instructed him in how to modify his home built short wave radio set to receive them better.  Then after a few radio contacts they helped him to modify his home built TV set to pick up their images on the vidicon tube while he spoke to them on radio..  Those contacts continued and developed into face-to-face meetings and even into going on trips with them, in their craft, for months and years.  He kept careful notes on his contacts.  We will work from those for this illustrated presentation. 
PRICE: $20.00

Stevens reviews the Case of the Batallanos Brothers extra-dimensional extraterrestrial contacts in Northern Argentina over the past 6 years. The contacts are still going on, and the materializations now include people. The brothers now have several hundreds photos and live video clips of these new contacts. A selection of these are shown during this presentation.
PRICE: $20.00

Wendelle Stevens Presents 1998 UFO Photos & Videos DVD Presentation Wendelle Stevens Presents 1998 UFO Photos & Videos DVD Presentation
During his long career in the military, Col. Wendelle Stevens (Ret.) supervised a highly classified team of technical specialists photographing and mapping every inch of the Arctic land and sea area looking for external evidence of UFO’s. Stevens’ presentation includes the best UFO photos of the 1990’s, as well as descriptions of the details of the events, with the newest 97/98 photos and videos. Stevens collection is one of the largest private collections of UFO photographs in the world—over 3,000 of them.
PRICE: $20.00

Wendelle Stevens Presents Contact Switzerland DVD Presentation Wendelle Stevens Presents Contact Switzerland DVD Presentation
Wendelle Stevens, a retired Air Force Colonel, is a world renouned UFO expert. He personally investigated on of the most famous of UFO contact –Billy Meiers case. In this startling first-hand report Stevens tells how while aboard a spacecraft Meiers, a one armed Swiss farmer, observed the murder of Pope Paul VI! Meier was also shown other future events, some of which have come to pass. Experience the incredible with Wendelle Stevens.
PRICE: $20.00

Wendelle Stevens Presents Happy Birthday Wendelle (DVD Presentation) Wendelle Stevens Presents Happy Birthday Wendelle (DVD Presentation)
Col. Wendelle Stevens, an icon in the UFO research field, had the surprise of his life when he was honored on his 75th birthday. Old friends and fellow UFO researchers turn up the heat on Wendelle and gently roast him with well done tales of adventures and excitement. Don’t miss the hilarious appearance of one of Wendelle’s dearest friends, Billy Meier, as portrayed with side splitting results by Michael Hesemann. It was a night Wendelle will never forget and neither will you!
PRICE: $20.00

Wendelle Stevens Presents Man Made Or Alien? (DVD Presentation) Wendelle Stevens Presents Man Made Or Alien? (DVD Presentation)
Wendelle's presentation this year is based on the results of 2+ years of new research. He demonstrates that a number of the supposed UFO sightings and events reported around the world as far back as the 1940s could be observations of circular flying objects designed and constructed on this planet. Photographs & diagrams of some of the earth-made flying discs are shown, and testimonies of still living witnesses are shared.
PRICE: $20.00

Wendelle Stevens Presents More From The Archives DVD Presentation Wendelle Stevens Presents More From The Archives DVD Presentation
Retired Air Force Colonel Wendelle Stevens has one of the most incredible archives of UFO photos in the world. He has collected compelling photographic evidence since the beginning of the modern UFO era. In this presentation Wendelle reveals new photos, including an object seen flying over Mexico’s Independence Day aircraft parade. Another amazing photo shows a UFO coming out of water, trailing a stream of liquid as it flies off. Join Wendelle for another look into the archives.
PRICE: $20.00

Wendelle Stevens Presents Other Pleiadian Contacts Wendelle Stevens Presents Other Pleiadian Contacts
Wendelle Stevens will present four cases of contact he was already investigating prior to the "Billy" Meier's contacts with his so-called Pleharans in Switzerland, which began in February of 1975.
PRICE: $20.00

Wendelle Stevens Presents The Best UFO Photographs Of The 1990s (DVD Presentation) Wendelle Stevens Presents The Best UFO Photographs Of The 1990s (DVD Presentation)
Wendelle presents the best 100 UFO photos of the 1990s, (most never published anywhere before) with a short narrative description of each.
PRICE: $20.00

Wendelle Stevens Presents The Richard Miller Channel Session DVD Presentation Wendelle Stevens Presents The Richard Miller Channel Session DVD Presentation
How many of you remember the late Richard Miller and his channeled communications? Wendelle was on of the members in the Richard Miller channeling sessions at Victorville, California for nearly two years when a series of miraculous sessions began. Wendelle will play a recording from one of the sessions and give you a first hand account of this amazing story!
PRICE: $20.00

Wendelle Stevens, Michael Horn & Christian Frehner Presents 'The Meier Case Update 2006' DVD Wendelle Stevens, Michael Horn & Christian Frehner Presents 'The Meier Case Update 2006' DVD
Wendelle Stevens will discuss Meier's eyewitnessing of the murder of Pope Paul VI by insiders in the Vatican Hierarchy, while he was staying at Meier's house. He watched him leave and went to pick him up when he came back from that event. He will also describe Meier's observation of the murder or President Sadat of Egypt, by his own troops in a military review, when he was also picked up in time to watch the drama live on viewing screens aboard the Pleiadian ship. Michael Horn will present an update on the latest prophecies and predictions in the Billy Meier UFO case and ironclad proof of prior publication. He'll also present information regarding the extensive photographic analysis that authenticated Meier's photos, *as well as never before seen photos and information regarding Meier's extensive travels, throughout 43 countries, and his previously unrevealed meetings with world leaders. Christian Frehner will present background information about the many ET persons with whom Billy Meier had, or still has, contact. He will also show many new photos taken by several witnesses. You can expect some exciting and challenging information.
PRICE: $35.00